What Makes Our Sun Shine? - SAFIRE Project JMP

Why does the surface of the sun operate in the 3,000-4,000 K range, while the solar corona exhibits temperatures in the millions of degrees? How do the known current sheets attach our Earth to the sun? And why are they there? We use JMP software for our study.

Are we getting all these new ideas because of the internet? Are we in for a new golden age of understanding? Is the old educational system about to fall?

Years later and SAFIRE is proving to be the most important experiment, possibly ever.

Read the paper by Paul E. Anderson, Montgomery Childs, and Michael Clarage given at 2014 JMP Discovery Summit. https://community.jmp.com/docs/DOC-6676


Real-time Data Collection into a Data Table - JMP #diydata


The Data Behind the Floating Egg