Real-time Data Collection into a Data Table - JMP #diydata

This is the software I use for data analytics - You can try JMP for Free at And Check out JMP On Air - I created this 1st show as a pilot for our work series JMP On Air. In this video I'm using an Arduino Uno R3, and I've connected a light IR sensor to Pin 0 and will get power from the USB attachment to my computer running JMP. The case protects the Arduino everything and allows you to add to the experiment with additional sensors without removing the case. First, let me show you it all working, then I'll go into a few more details. With that attached Script in JMP, I'll select the Run script icon in the top ribbon banner. That will first create a data table with three columns. Additionally, 4 Scripts are waiting in our table panel. In my tables panel, I'll select run Connect, and it will open the Communications port that the Arduino is on and start the main Script going. By the way, I'm virtually running Windows on a Mac Book Pro, and my Arduino is on Com3 because that's what the drop-down connection port in the Arduino software has indicated. As you can see, it quickly starts populating our 1st Column with the light data from the IR sensor connected to my Arduino. The Second Column is a timestamp created by JMP. It also launches a Control Chart builder for us to Visualize the data in real-time. Here's a high-level description of how it works. The Arduino is powered up and actively collecting sensor information using the uploaded code linked to this video. In JMP, The JSL Script creates a data table with 2 Columns, sense, and time. The Baud rate is quite high, but it is one way I've found not to miss any data from the Arduino feed. The JSL Script makes the Connect script, which connects and listens to the port the Arduino is using. We start the time, grab the line from the feed, end the time then populate the data table row for sense and time. Next, we launch a Control Chart to visualize the incoming data. This portion loops until we run the Script to Disconnect. You could potentially add any sensor to the Arduino you'd like, including reading from the Digital pins. They are industry-grade Arduinos out there for controlling most automation purposes. I'll let you discover those with an internet search.


Collecting Data with a Motion Sensor, Arduino and JMP - HC-SR501 PIR


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